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Compare Alfa Romeo Service Deals Near You

Find the best Alfa Romeo servicing deals & book in 3 steps. Never pay until the day.


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Why Use BookMyGarage to Book Your Alfa Romeo Servicing?

We have helped over 18.2 million drivers compare prices to save on their MOT, servicing and repairs at local garages. In fact, when you compare local garages through our online comparison site, you can save up to 70% when you choose one of the lower-cost options!

As the UK’s leading MOT and service comparison site, we’re dedicated to helping drivers save money on their car maintenance. Here are just some of the ways we keep you in control of booking your Alfa Romeo service:


Plenty of Choice. We may recommend certain garages depending on your location or the car service you select, but you always have the final say. There are thousands of fast-fit, independent and franchised garages on our online comparison site, so you’re able to see all your options and choose the best one for you.

Clear Communication Throughout. After you make your booking, we’ll never leave you in the dark. Not only do we provide a confirmation email ourselves, but we also pass your contact details on to your chosen garage. This means they can keep in touch throughout the process. They may send you a confirmation email themselves and will contact you whenever there is a development with your Alfa Romeo's car service. That way, you get the peace of mind you deserve.

Easy 3-Step Booking Process. There’s no upfront registration and no faff. You just provide your vehicle’s details, choose the best deal and provide a suitable date and time for your car service. That gives you more time to do the things you care about.

Direct Comparisons. Every garage on our system has priced its servicing costs against the same schedules, allowing you to compare them ‘like-for-like’. That means that when you book a lower-cost option for your Alfa Romeo's car servicing, you know you’re getting the best deal.


Compare deals and save up to 70% on your car maintenance when you choose one of the lower-cost options through BookMyGarage. Enter your vehicle reg and postcode to compare instant prices and book the best deal on your Alfa Romeo service today.


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Full Service


Our Garages Service All Alfa Romeo Models

  • 4C
  • Guilia
  • Guilieta
  • MiTo
  • Stelvio
  • Tonale


How Much Does a Alfa Romeo Service Cost?

All average prices are taken from bookings made through BookMyGarage.com and is accurate as of September 2024. Prices are set by individual garages on our comparison site and may vary.

Interim Service: £120.99

Interim Service and MOT: £155.93

Full Service: £170.28

Full Service and MOT: £203.97

Major Service: £222.18

Major Service and MOT: £249.26


Enter your Alfa Romeo's reg and your post code to compare deals from local garages to save up to 70% on your servicing costs. Plus, you never pay until the day when you book through BookMyGarage as we never ask for payment details upfront.


Don't know your vehicle registration?
Full Service


Should I Book a Manufacturer Service for My Alfa Romeo?

While a manufacturer service is the go-to for many Alfa Romeo drivers, it doesn’t have to be your only option. Booking a service through BookMyGarage or SecretServiceTM is an equally valid option which may provide more value in the long run.

Here is a comparison of the three types of car service to help you choose the right option, based on the needs of your vehicle:


Manufacturer Service

  • Prices vary, but can be more expensive
  • Limited but necessary checks
  • Manufacturer approved parts & oils used
  • Specialist technicians
  • Protects warranty
  • Carried out at a franchised dealership
  • Service book stamped


BookMyGarage Service

  • Like-for-like comparison enabling savings of up to 70%
  • Range of checks to form a comprehensive inspection
  • OEM or high-quality aftermarket parts and high-quality oils used
  • Experienced technicians
  • Maintains warranty (although not proven by law)
  • You choose the garage to complete the work
  • Service schedule stamped to maintain service history



  • Able to save up to 70%
  • Range of checks to form a comprehensive inspection
  • OEM or high-quality aftermarket parts and high-quality oils used
  • Dealership trained technicians
  • Maintains warranty (although not proven by law)
  • Carried out at a franchised dealership
  • Service schedule stamped to maintain service history