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DW Motors Manchester Limited
Unit 8, Harp Trading Estate, Guinness Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1SR
27 Reviews
73.6% Completion Rate
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When a car is moving over rough or uneven surfaces, shock absorbers help to stop the car bouncing or vibrating too much and ensure that the tyres have full contact with the road surface all the time.
Enormous demands are placed on certain parts of cars when being driven. Shock absorbers are found on a car’s suspension, where they take the strain of all the constant bouncing up and down of the vehicle. Most cars’ wheels also have them. Worn shock absorbers will affect the car’s handling and braking, which can reduce your safety. That's why you must book a shock absorber repair promptly if anything feels wrong with your car's suspension.
Shock absorbers have a piston inside them that moves up and down in line with the suspension and, depending on the vehicle, hydraulic fluid or air chambers absorb the energy from the road caused by vibration.
The up-side for visitors is that Manchester is a fast paced, exciting, thriving city that never sleeps; the down side for drivers is that it is the 12th most congested city in Europe. Mancunians work hard and play hard. The old Industrial Revolution symbol of the worker bee, which still adorns the mosaic floors of the Town Hall, seems as appropriate now as it was during Manchester’s industrial heyday.