Collection and delivery for locals
Well established garage
Class 4 Mot Testing
When you book with Barracks Garage, you’ll always receive the friendliest of welcomes and a service tailored to you and your car. Whatever you need, we’re confident that we can provide. What’s more, we offer a local vehicle collection and delivery service for those who might not be able to get to ou...Read more
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Verified Booking
Score: 5/5
Review left: 11/02/25
For me the whole process is about communication when can you do it, what time, how can I get my vehicle to you and will you let me know when it's ready. Couple this with a fair price and an honest friendly approach then you've got a winning combination that pretty much sums up barracks garage well done thanks.
Would recommend
Verified Booking
Score: 5/5
Review left: 07/01/25
Very happy with the service I received. Took car in thinking it was one issue turned out to be something else and communication though out was fantastic
Would recommend
Mark James
Verified Booking
Score: 5/5
Review left: 06/01/25
Left my car at the garage. Was given a explanation of what would occur. Got a call a few hours later. Very good communication. No hidden charges.
Would recommend
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