When it comes to the roads mentioned in this blog, you would be forgiven for wanting to find a different route home.

If you fancy a fright, read on and take a journey down ten of the most haunted roads in the UK.


The Dark Hedges, Northern Ireland

A tree-lined road in Ireland.

The Dark Hedges in Northern Ireland is the perfect place to start your haunted road trip.

Your trip begins in Northern Ireland, at the site of the aptly named ‘Dark Hedges’.

You may have already glimpsed this atmospheric scene without knowing it, as this eerie site became the filming location of ‘The Kingsroad’ in Game of Thrones, in an episode with the same name.

Two rows of gnarly trees hang over the road from either side, making it feel quite claustrophobic indeed.

Originally planted in the 18th century by the Stuart family in the hopes of impressing visitors to nearby Gracehill House, this striking road has become synonymous with ghost sightings.

The spectre of a 'Grey Lady' wearing a dress towards the end of the row of trees has been spotted on several occasions, with some believing that this is the ghost of a maid who died in mysterious circumstances in a neighbouring house.

Others believe the individual to be a spirit haunting the area, lost from a nearby graveyard.

Sadly, you can longer drive down this road for yourself, but it is a beautiful - if chilling - way to start your trip.


Cairndhu House, Northern Ireland

The drive up to this next site is sure to send shivers down your spine.

Just an hour’s drive from the ‘Dark Hedges’, you will find Cairndhu House in County Antrim.

Said to be the most haunted house in Northern Ireland, this Victorian manor has been host to several ghosts over the years.

The once grand building has since fallen into disarray, having been built as a summer residence in the late 19th century for a wealthy Scottish textile industrialist.

Located just off the Coast Road, this abandoned property has since been vandalised and started to decay.

People who have worked in the building over the years have heard strange noises, whilst others have discovered previously unseen figures in the background of photographs taken on site.


Electric Brae, Scotland

You may have heard about the haunted happenings on the A75, but have you heard of Electric Brae in South Ayrshire?

Less associated with ghostly apparitions, Electric Brae has been known for a different sort of phenomena.

Drivers that travel down this road have found that their vehicle rolls uphill, rather than down.

Some believe that electric energy is to blame, hence the name ‘Electric Brae’.

It is thought to be a ‘gravity hill’, meaning that it is a downward slope which appears as an incline.

Optical illusion or otherwise, this bizarre road is certainly worth seeing.

Take your car for a drive down - or up - the Electric Brae in South Ayrshire if you want to experience this strange phenomena for yourself.


A75, Scotland

Your next stop is no stranger to ghostly goings-on. In fact, it is widely considered to be the most haunted road in the UK.

Located in Dumfriesshire, between Stranraer and Gretna Green, you may spot something ghoulish on the Kinmount straight section of the road.

From big cats and creatures prowling the roadside, to animals actually flying at the windscreen, drivers have witnessed a lot of unexplainable scenes on the A75.

Others have seen figures cross in front of their car in Victorian clothing, whilst some have even seen parades of medieval citizens pushing carts of flowers. Driving along this road in the dead of night is not for the faint of heart.

There have been several reports of collisions with figures crossing the road. One of the most common sightings is that of an old man wearing tweed - though a body has never been found.

A number of truck drivers have since given up trucking after their experiences on the A75.

Despite never having met one another, it is particularly unnerving to think that these truck drivers could have such similar, haunting experiences on the road. 


M6, Junctions 16-19, England

Car driving in fog

Heading South, you’ll find yourself travelling down the M6. With reported sightings of phantom lorries driving against traffic, this won’t be the most relaxing of drives.

This extremely long motorway extends for over 230 miles. Said to be one of the most haunted roads in England, junctions 16-19 have even earned the title of ‘Cheshire’s Bermuda Triangle’ as so many unexplainable happenings occur there.

These junctions are thought to be cursed by some, with the road having a high accident rate.

Roman soldiers would have travelled across this land long before it was turned into concrete - strangely, some drivers have even seen Roman soldiers march in front of their car!

If you are brave enough to venture down this road, you may even spot hitchhikers looking for a ride, only to find that they've disappeared soon after being picked up.

Proceed with caution, and keep your wits about you.


A666, England

Truck on road

With a name like A666, it’s no surprise that the so-called ‘Devil’s Highway’ has seen some pretty gruesome things over the years.

This road in Greater Manchester has a high accident rate, leading some to believe that something supernatural must have an effect on the stretch.

Drivers have crashed after strange shadows have forced them to swerve, but that's not all that has befallen this particular road.

Shadowy figures that vanish before your eyes, the sudden appearance of an unusual white creature, and a hunched-over figure walking through traffic have all been spotted on the A666.

Some say that there are even mineshafts which are yet to be discovered in the area, which could be home to other unnerving sights.

Drive carefully - you never know what you might spot on your travels.


Stocksbridge Bypass, England

This road near Sheffield in South Yorkshire has been privy to paranormal activity even before the road was constructed.

Those working on the road in 1987 supposedly heard - and some even saw - children playing at the site. These children were allegedly wearing old-fashioned clothing, and reportedly vanished when approached.

This wasn't the only frightening sight of the day - the same security officers who noticed the children noticed a monk sitting on the bridge that was being constructred that very evening.

Given that the site was once the location of monastery farms, this must have been particularly unnerving. There are rumours as to the history of the monk the men saw that day, and why the ghost of such a man may have been observed.

It always pays to drive safely - especially on a road with ties to such petrifying visions as these. 


B3212, England

Person driving in the rain

The hair-raising legend of the ‘Hairy Hands’ has been associated with Dartmoor in Devon since the early 20th century. People have been thrown from bicycles, and cars have driven into ditches as a result of this twisted tale.

When driving along the B3212 between Postbridge and Twobridges, you may look down to see that your own hands have been replaced with two hairy hands which have taken over your vehicle.

With no control over your car, you are entirely at the mercy of this stranger - and it doesn’t look like they want to get you home safe.

If you take a solo drive along the B3212 on a stormy Halloween night, you may not be alone after all.


Blue Bell Hill, England

A good few hours away from those ‘Hairy Hands’, you can visit Blue Bell Hill in Kent if you are committed to becoming a true ghost enthusiast.

The spectre of a bride who died before her wedding day is said to haunt drivers on the A229, but that’s not the only vision people claim to have seen.

Others have picked up a female hitchhiker, only to find that the person in their passenger seat has vanished without a trace shortly after departure.

Some have even claimed to have seen the same ghosts on a second drive down the A229. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, a sighting like this is bound to give you goosebumps.

If you’re brave enough to find out what this road has in store, it is located between Maidstone and Rochester.


A4076,  Wales

This brings us to the end of our UK roadtrip, but if you want to take quite the detour from Blue Bell Hill, then you’re sure to sense more sinister spirits in the air in Wales.

Supposedly haunted by the ghost of a woman walking the road, the A4076 in Pembrokeshire has frightened several drivers in the last decade. The woman tends to be spotted as drivers approach the crossroads, with no sign of her as drivers get out to investigate.

Others have seen what seems to be a shadowy figure in the early hours of the morning.

Some have witnessed a figure run across the road, right in front of their car.

Any of these sightings would be enough to make you slam on the brakes in fear.

The road links Milford Haven and Haverfordwest if you want to check it out for yourself.


This article creeped us out just writing it. Are you brave enough to take a trip down one of these haunted roads?

Have you seen any spectres on a late night or Halloween drive? Terrify us in the comments. And if you want to scare yourself a little more, check out these downright spooky vehicles.