RAC Approved Garage
Next-Day MOTs
£20 MOT with a Full/Major Service
We pride our selves in customer trust and quality of services we provide. From simple servicing and MOT'S to engine rebuilds. We can cater for all your vehicle requirements. With us been a small independent garage our prices are very competitive.
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Verified Booking
Score: 4.5/5
Review left: 13/12/24
The people were courteous and act with dispatch.
Would recommend
Verified Booking
Score: 5/5
Review left: 21/11/24
They kept me in the loop and had an outstanding service from door to door.
Would recommend
Verified Booking
Score: 5/5
Review left: 21/11/24
Took my car for MOT after some repairs. Was surprised it failed. The garage explained to me why it failed and what needs to be done. I gave it the go ahead to fix it. Collected my car back next as promised with all clear. Thanks guys.
Would recommend
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