Power steering fluid leaks aren’t all that common, but they can spell trouble for your car and your wallet.

Spotting a leak early and booking a repair can help you keep your steering system in optimal condition.

Read on and find out how to tell if you have a power steering fluid leak, why this happens, and more.


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6 Signs You Have a Power Steering Fluid Leak

Your car may have a power steering fluid leak if you've noticed any of the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty turning the steering wheel
  • High-pitched noise when turning ignition on
  • Grinding noise when turning the wheel
  • An illuminated power steering warning light
  • Low power steering fluid levels
  • Fluid underneath the engine on the floor

The power steering fluid in your car makes it easier for you to turn the wheels, ensuring the gears and pumps work smoothly.

When this fluid leaks, this can lead to increased heat and friction in the system.

Not to mention that your car will be harder to steer and control.

If you’ve spotted a leak, a repair or replacement of parts like the seals and pumps may be required.

A power steering fluid leak typically looks like a reddish-brown fluid under the front of your car.


How Do You Fix a Power Steering Fluid Leak?

To fix a power steering fluid leak, a mechanic will find the source of the leak and repair this for you.

The mechanic will look for signs of fluid leaking around the power steering pump.

Once the leak has been repaired, the power steering reservoir will need to be refilled with the right fluid, before the system is tested.

The mechanic will check the hoses, reservoir, gearbox and power steering rack for any signs of damage.

One or more of these parts may need to be tightened or replaced.


Why Does Power Steering Fluid Leak?

Your power steering fluid may be leaking due to any of the following problems:

  • Worn power steering pump seal
  • Cracked or loose power steering fluid hose
  • Overfilled power steering fluid
  • Excessive wear and tear
  • Faulty or leaking power steering pump

A power steering fluid leak can be difficult to diagnose, as any of these issues could be causing it.

That’s why you should always book in with a mechanic at the first sign of trouble.


How Do You Check Your Car's Power Steering Fluid?

Follow these steps to check your car’s power steering fluid level:

  1. Ensure the engine has fully cooled
  2. Locate the power steering fluid reservoir
  3. Check the level is close to or at the ‘max’ marker

You can find the power steering fluid reservoir under the bonnet. The cap should have an icon of a steering wheel, but you can refer to your vehicle’s manual if you can’t find it.

Your car will either have a clear reservoir, where you can read the ‘min’ and ‘max’ markers, or a dipstick where you check the level on a rod that’s attached to the cap.


Can I Just Refill My Power Steering Fluid?

Refilling your power steering fluid is only a temporary solution if you have a leak.

It’s important that you have the underlying cause repaired by a professional mechanic.


How to Top Up Your Car's Power Steering Fluid

To top up your car’s power steering fluid, follow these steps:

  1. Top up gradually
  2. Check the level as you go
  3. Do not go above the ‘max’ line
  4. Replace the cap tightly
  5. Close the bonnet

Remember to use a quality fluid that’s compatible with your car’s engine.

Take care not to overfill the reservoir, as this can cause fluid leakage, reduced performance, and overheating.

Check the reservoir after every drive to see if there’s a noticeable difference in fluid levels.

If there is, then you probably have a leak.


Can You Drive with Leaking Power Steering Fluid?

You should not drive with low power steering fluid - driving without it can compromise your steering ability.

Power steering fluid helps your car move by providing resistance to the wheels as they turn.

For this reason, you should not drive your car until you've had the leak repaired.

Whilst you may technically be able to drive with a leak, this can be extremely dangerous.


How Much Does It Cost to Fix?

It can cost you up to £1,000 for a power steering repair.

This price can vary depending on your car and the labour rates for the work required.

If you think your car might have a power steering leak, book a repair at a trusted local garage as soon as possible.


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