Making a mistake during your driving test won’t necessarily mean that you fail.

This will depend on what your examiner classes as a major or minor fault.

A driving test fault is an error the driver makes during their test.

You can receive 15 minors during your driving test and still pass - but receive one major fault and it's an instant failure, regardless of how many minors you've picked up.

Read on and find out which faults are classed as minor and major, and what to do if you fail.


What are Driving Test Major Faults?

Technically, there is no such thing as a major or minor fault.

If you make a mistake during your driving test, then the examiner will class it as one of the following:

  • A dangerous fault
  • A serious fault
  • A driving fault

Committing a dangerous or serious fault – both of which are generally referred to as major faults - will result in an instant fail.

Even so, you will be expected to continue with the test, and will find out your result at the end.

Driving test major faults can lead to dangerous situations on the road, which is why you should always take your time and remember what you have learned during your driving lessons.

Examples of major faults include:

  • Failing to observe traffic signals or road signs
  • Endangering other road users
  • Losing control of the vehicle


What Counts as a Minor Fault on the Driving Test?

Whilst minor driving faults may cause an inconvenience to other drivers, these are mistakes made by the driver that don’t pose an immediate danger to other road users.

It could be potentially dangerous, and if you keep making the same fault then it could turn into a serious fault.

Remember, any more than 15 minor driving faults will see you fail the driving test. 


Driving Test Minor Faults List

Examples of minor faults include:

  • Failing the sight test
  • Not checking mirrors frequently enough
  • Driving too slow
  • Stalling
  • Hesitating
  • Touching the kerb
  • Incorrect use of handbrake
  • Crossing hands over on the wheel


How Many Majors and Minors Can I Get and Still Pass the Driving Test?

While the goal is always to pass with a clean card, this is very difficult to do, so there is always a little leeway. The number of major and minor faults you can get and still pass the driving test is as follows:

  • 15 minor faults
  • 0 major faults

If your examiner told you to do something or took control of the car to avoid an accident, then your result will show that the ‘examiner took action (ETA)’.

You should talk to your driving instructor about your result so that they can focus any future lessons or Pass Plus training you may need to develop the right skills, especially if most of your minors focus on a specific area of driving.